Plugin CutPlane


After downloading the plugin , simple copy the file CutPlane.hxt into the HXT directory your A:M installation .
The plugin was originally designed as a working relief for me , and therefor raises far no claim to completness or accuracy, however it is freeware .


With this plugin , you can cut a model at a plane (like a knife) , they can freely rotatet/moved.


After starting the plugin , a plane (groupname "CutPlane") is createt. This plane can freely rotatet and moved , but be aware DON'T change the cp's from this plane or scale the createt plane. Also DON'T delete this plane by hand , when the plugin finished the plane is automaticly removed . Also it is important that the group for the plane is selectet , otherwise "Update" and "Apply" in the plugindialog not selectable .
Plane is infinite if this checkbox is checked a infinite plane is used , otherwise only the plane that you see is the cuttingplane, means if you move the plane partly outside the model, only the splines are cuttet , they are inside the plane area
Add splinering if this checkbox is checked a new spline spline is createt and attached at the cuttingpoints, otherwise only on the existing splines cp's are insertet
no AddAdd splinering unchecked
AddAdd splinering checked
Break mode only avaible if "Add splinering" is checked
break the splines above the newly insertet points (alway in the direction of the plane normal)
Cut mode only avaible if "Add splinering" is checked
break the splines between the newly insertet points (alway in the direction of the plane normal)
cut1for a better view , the top group is moved (the insertet points are on the same position for both createt splinerings)
Offset (Button) only avaible, if you are in the "Cut" mode
If you hit this button another dialog occurs , where you can input a value for moving the cuttet part of the model (it does NOT affect existing bones, only cp's)
If you let the offset at 0 , nothing is moved , but the model is cuttet (select any cp -> Shift-/ -> now you can move a piece of the model)
the part of the model , which is in the direction from the normal for the cutplane , will be moved the value which you put in here, in the direction (!!) from the normal for the cutplane
this extra dialog is needed, because the maindialog for this plugin is a modeless dialog, a modeless dialog get not the the keyboardevents ,which is assigned in A:M to other events
as example numerical "0" switching the view to shaded ,the (modeless) maindialog never get this keyboardevent, one of the problems , when a plugin uses modeless dialogs, the extra modal dialog for input the offset setting is a workaround for this problem
Update Let you view , where the plugin will cut the splines
Apply perform the selectet cutting operation



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